Saturday, June 09, 2007

Quit Grumbling: Look and Live!

Rather than do a page for St. Columba today, I chose to share the posting for today's Morning Prayer (1928 Book of Common Prayer lectionary) comments from the good folk east river., The Northern Plains Anglicans.
"What help can we find in this lesson drawn from from Numbers 21?

They made confession. The people went to Moses and specifically admitted what they had done.

They relied on prayer. The people asked Moses to intercede for them.

They accepted God's solution. God told Moses to make a bronze figure of the fiery serpent, and hold it up on a pole. Wierd though it seemed, the people obeyed, and all who looked at it lived."

If you are in the Sioux Falls area on Sunday, stop by the Church of the Good Shepherd, still Episcopal, but where Fr. Timothy Fountain still preaches the Truth of God's Word.

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